Displaying entries for tag: Sensible Fiscal Transactions

PayPal Donations

The PayPal donation button is now located under the About section. As mentioned previously, don't feel obligated to donate, and doing so doesn't win you the right to dictate my actions or the features I'll implement in any of my projects. It's just a way to say thanks to me if you found something I did/made useful. If just saying thanks isn't enough.

8989087 page hits since February 11, 2009.

Site design and contents (c) 2009 Rich Whitehouse. Except those contents which happen to be images or screenshots containing shit that is (c) someone/something else entirely. That shit isn't really mine. Fair use though! FAIR USE!
All works on this web site are the result of my own personal efforts, and are not in any way supported by any given company. You alone are responsible for any damages which you may incur as a result of this web site or files related to this web site.